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Welcome to the homepage of the SME student chapter S133 at UW-Madison!

About SME

SME is the world's leading professional society advancing manufacturing knowledge and influencing more than half a million manufacturing practitioners annually. Through its communities, publications, expositions and professional development resources, SME promotes an increased awareness of manufacturing engineering and keeps manufacturing professionals up to date on leading trends and technologies. Headquartered in Michigan, the Society has members in more than 70 countries supported by the network of more than 400 chapters worldwide and represents manufacturing practitioners across all industries.

About S133

S133 is a SME student chapter at UW-Madion. It is sponsored by Wisconsin Chapter 75 at Madison. Professor Kaibo Liu is the faculty advisor for this chapter. He is an assistant professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at UW-Madison and an experienced research scientists in manufacturing area.

S133 strives to unite both undergraduate and graduate students who are interested manufacturing technologies from fundmentals to the latest leading-edge emerging technologies. By holding exciting plant tours & field trips, interesting academic and skill training seminars, S133 is trying to promote an increased awareness and learning of the latest manufacturing technologies, to help students buid professional networks with manufacturing industry, and to improve student's leadership for future career.

S133 is very interested in developing relationships with industry. If you want to provide some support, or sponsoring an event, or sending a speaker to our meeting, please don't be hesitate to contact us.






        Updated: 1-17-2019 09:45                 Copyright©2014, Jianguo Wu, UW-Madison, all rights reserved